So when an adult--or anyone taller than four feet, five inches--looks at it they only see the image of a sad child and the message: "sometimes, child abuse is only visible to the child suffering it." But when a child looks at the ad, they see bruises on the boy's face and a different message: "if somebody hurts you, phone us and we'll help you" alongside the foundation's phone number.The ad works via a lenticular lens layer, which shows different images when viewed from different angles. Also, how about we just not beat up our children? There's gotta be a special place in hell for child abusers, and when I close my eyes and imagine that place it looks like it's on a shelf in the devil's bathroom. Oh -- and there's a sign. It reads 'Living toilet paper'. Hit the jump for a video of the sign in action.
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Anti-Child Abuse Ad Has A Secret Message For Kids