Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Fully 3-D Printed Plastic Gun Fires A Bullet, Doesn't Break

3d-printed-gun.jpg This is a test video of what's allegedly the first fully 3-D printed plastic gun (previously: an AR-15 with 3-D printed receiver) firing a bullet and not shattering to pieces in the shooter's hands like I expected. PROTIP: Never bring a plastic fork to a knife fight. I've never tasted so much of my own blood before.
...Wilson's weapon is almost entirely plastic: Fifteen of its 16 pieces have been created inside an $8,000 second-hand Stratasys Dimension SST 3D printer, a machine that lays down threads of melted polymer that add up to precisely-shaped solid objects just as easily as a traditional printer lays ink on a page. The only non-printed piece is a common hardware store nail used as its firing pin. The verdict: it worked. The Liberator fired a standard .380 handgun round without visible damage, though it also misfired on another occasion when the firing pin failed to hit the primer cap in the loaded cartridge due a misalignment in the hammer body, resulting in an anti-climactic thunk.
So yeah, apparently 3-D printed guns are right around the corner. Possibly waiting to take your wallet and purse. Which is exactly why I don't carry a wallet. Keep your money in your man-bra -- that's what I do. "Man-bra?" I meant to say shoe. Hit the jump for the video. via Geekologie - Gadgets, Gizmos, and Awesome http://geekologie.com/2013/05/fully-3-d-printed-plastic-gun-fires-a-bu.php?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+geekologie%2FiShm+%28Geekologie+-+Gadgets%2C+Gizmos%2C+and+Awesome%29 http://geekologie.com/