Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Proton Torpedo Away!: Death Star Trench Run In LEGO

death-star-trench-run-lego.jpg This is the Death Star trench run built in LEGO by someone and on display somewhere where Flickr user Abathar was able to take a picture of it. This is that picture. Personally, I think LEGO should make the Death Star Trench Run a real $10,000 playset. I also think one of my friends should buy it so I can come over and play with it the way I would with their Voltron and He-Man toys when I was a kid. Fun fact: did you know when I was a kid I thought vaginas were on the front like a belly button, just lower? Because I did, I thought that. Still kinda do. Thanks to Martin, who used to bullseye womp rats in his T-16 back home. via Geekologie - Gadgets, Gizmos, and Awesome http://geekologie.com/2013/06/ion-torpedo-away-death-star-trench-run-b.php http://geekologie.com/