Because you're the kind of person who demands attention but doesn't have the charisma or charm to do it without a prop (I wear a propeller beanie), Etsy seller ElectricStyles is selling these $30 electroluminescent neck ties and $60 bras so people will notice you. Do they have a blink mode? *slaps* Of course they have a blink mode!
Wearing Electric Styles new light up ties out is going to give you a confidence like you have never felt before. Each tie has 2 modes- On and Blinking. Finally, you can say, "My boob hypnotized a man today." This bra comes with a 3 mode battery pack- All ON, Slow Strobe, Fast Strobe * All of our battery packs are interchangeable on all our light up bras!!Not to brag on her or anything, but I've been hypnotized by boobs WITHOUT a light-up bra before. Or any bra. It was on a topless beach in Florida, and the way this one old lady's tits swung when she walked -- they were like two leather metronomes. If somebody had told me to march into the sea and drown right then I would have. Thankfully my girlfriend just punched me and told me to stop wolf-whistling. Hit the jump for a couple more models but be sure to check out the seller's Etsy store for shots of more chicks in glow-bras because you're a pervert. via Geekologie - Gadgets, Gizmos, and Awesome